Monday, December 3, 2012

Character Analysis

Author's Note: This is my piece proving that I have a clear understanding of character analysis

In the middle of the series “Twilight”, by Stephenie Meyers, the main character Jacob Black(werewolves) had a very strong hatred for the Cullens (vampires). There has always been feud between the vampires and werewolves. They’ve always been complete opposites, the wolves are warm blooded and the vampires are known as the “cold one’s”. But through out the series the begin to realize that they need to team up to protect Bella. And in these difficult situations Jacob begins to comprehend that his wolf pack and Edward’s coven work together really well, even though he was a blood sucking vampire. But as Jacob began giving his trust to Edward, they figure out that they both want the best for Bella. These are a few of the reasons why Jacob changed during the series.

Through out the series, everyone started seeing Jacobs attitude towards the Cullens change when he began to worry about Bella’s safety more and more. He was becoming to understand that they both want similar things. But if Jacob wasn’t cooperative and refused to bury the hatchet with the Cullens, it would affect the entire series. Some of problems they would face would be Bella wouldn’t be as heavily monitored and that cause the outcome of her getting ambushed by enemy vampires. But since he did build up a certain amount of trust with Cullens, they had the capability of beating their opponents(as in the Cutlery, evil vampires). If he would kept the same attitude during the series the hatred, anguish, and unforgivable behavior would have continued. And they wouldn’t have made such an impact.

Not only had his attitude changed towards the Cullens, he also changed his thoughts towards Bella’s boyfriend Edward. Once the wolf pack started to see Jacob’s attitude change the others started realizing that Edward and the vampires weren’t as bad and evil as people made them out to be. But when they started getting along more there alliance began growing stronger. And now Edward and Jacob don’t have to be so tense constantly now they're comfortable with each others presents.

This kind of alteration from selfish boy into responsible man not only occurs in the Twilight series. It is quite similar to the main character in the story The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, because Edmund starts out as selfish boy who only worries about himself but as life gets more difficult he comes to the understanding that he need to fight and protect the things he loves the most. Although his change in the story is more drastic than Jacob’s they both change for the best.

Those are just some of the reasons how Jacob changed through out the story. But overall Jacob made those changes to create better self image. And it definitely paid off in the long run. Now he allies when he needs them. And now he knows that people won’t try to threaten Bella because she is protected by an unbeatable alliance of the strongest vampires and werewolves

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriots Pen Essay

Authors Note: This is my Patriots Pen Essay. About the bonds of our great nations

Dear Founding Father's,
What is the meaning of our nation? What bonds us together to make us whole and my experience with the country. Well, when I think of that question here is only one thing that comes to mind is something that needs to be ended. Like war, the definition war to me means: sadness and hatred towards one another sadness is something that happens during this fight for something that isn’t worth fighting for. I feel that when I remember hardships in U.S history it is hard to hold back tears from all the sorrow of innocent people dying for no good reason what so ever. For someone to sacrifice the own live for salvation of  our country. Is courage, bravery, and passion. 

 It was hard for me to watch this tragedy unfold on this day of remembrance of those who saved so many lives and died doing it. There are those who believe in forgiving the people who caused that chaos. I feel like people like shouldn’t be forgiven for taking the lives of many innocent people. Yesterday, I watched Red Dawn a classic movie from the 80’s. This movie was set in the 1980’s in which the U.S was invaded by the Soviet Union.
 The story is about teenagers who try to make themselves known to the enemies that they weren’t just some dumb high school kids they meant business. However, the onset story was supposed to be World War III. This team of elite teenagers called themselves the Wolverines because of their school mascot.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how old you are you can always make a fight for what you believe and having courage and braveness. So if you ask me I will always say I am proud to be American. I don’t care how cheesy it sounds it is true to me America is a place for a new start. It is a clean slate no matter what your back round. It is a place for happiness. Even though we have gone through some hard to times we will always be a great country for all.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Authors Note: This is a cause/effect piece about the book The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane demonstrating that I have a clear understanding of how cause/effect effects a story.

When Edward Tulane an expensive china doll bunny leaves his owner to set out to find to the meaning of love, he doesn’t realize how difficult the journey will be. The climax of the book is when he left his owner for distinct reasons, he didn’t think he belonged ; he wants to figure out what it feels like to be loved. Although, he cared for his owner Abilene, he always longed to be loved by someone. Being cuddled,kissed, and praised is all that poor Edward Tulane has ever wanted. And the effect of this is he goes on a journey to find what he portrays as love. He meets three people: an ill little girl, an old fisherman, and a toy store owner. The old fisherman makes him understand how being appreciated means but unfortunately he becomes separated from him. When he meets the ill little girl he finally finds falls in love with being this girl’s doll. But tragedy strikes and she dies from her severe sickness. And poor Edward is heartbroken, so the little girls brother takes him to the toy store owner. Where he sits in the store with his soul crushed. People came in and bought him but every time he was sold he was returned. But he didn’t care at all he missed the love from the girl. So the cause and effect in this story is he finds love in the little girl so the effect was he was never satisfied with his several owners. This story is very similar to the book "Matilda" by Roald Daul because in the story she never feels like she is loved by her parents similar to Edward but with his original owner. So in conclusion, there are many stories that have this similar plot line to this story.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Author's Note: This is my conflict/resolution piece

The story Rule of Life Rule #31 is about girl who is a junior in high school whose always been known as “that girl”.  And she is wanting to be unique individual like her mother but struggles coming out of her mother’s light.  The main conflict of the story is she just wants to be noticed not as “that girl”  but as Katima Fylyn the outgoing, sporty, and sweet girl. And she also wants to be recognized by her dream guy Manny.  But unfortunately she has to deal with mean girls like Libby Giles and her posse of copycat brats. The resolution for Katima was that she finally realizes that doesn’t need anyone but herself because she comprehends the fact she does not need to act a certain way to get attention.  In the Manny comes to the conclusion that Katima is who she is and nothing he can say will change her state of mind but he comes aware of that’s thing he loves most about her.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Author's  Note: This is my Narrative Essay about getting my One Direction tickets

Present after present,  nothing that I wanted. It seemed as if the more presents I opened the more pointless each gift got. Why does my family hate me? I thought to myself. Finally, I got to last gift and I had waited to open this one. It was the most simplistic present in the pile of gifts. I quickly grasped  it, then glanced at it for a moment. Then I started imagining what it could be; then I could hear my heart beginning to beat faster as if I had just finished sprinting the mile. Gradually began to rip the wrapping paper. Trying to be dainty in every tear I made. Suddenly, I lost my diligence. Quickly I started destroying the wrapping paper. At that time I opened the diminutive box; inside was an envelope.

I glided my finger through the small opening of the envelope. Something had fallen out card un-noticed, I read the card in languid manner.  Abruptly realizing not only was there a card, there was a single sheet of paper. I lifted it out of the box and read it. Immediately, I leapt of chair and hollered so boisterously I could hear ringing in my ears. It was the One Direction tickets I’ve been wanting for a year now! I was in complete and utter shock. After my outburst I galloped over to my Dad then gave him a bear hug. “THANK YOU!” I said to him.

Shortly after, everyone began to leave.  And as I said my last goodbye to my family. I bolted into the living room and managed to stack all of my birthday presents perfectly in my limp arms. I felt like one of those employees at a movie theater trying my absolute best to stack the candy in a pyramid. Running upstairs is really hard to do while carrying a ton of birthday gifts. But, I couldn’t help myself all I wanted to do was lay in bed and let my mind wander about what the concert will be like.

I can only imagine how insane it will be to see them in person. Then I grabbed a notebook and wrote down “June 21, 2012, I just turned fourteen three days ago and in this last hour my life has already gotten ten times better. Who would’ve thought that I would acquire One Direction tickets! Insanity” I closed the notebook. And l got hold of my pillow and screamed so loud into it I think China could hear me. So jazzed about hearing their goddess like voices in person. I wonder how I will react when I am there I thought. I’m guessing there will be tears.

As I lie in my bed, thinking how incredibly amazing it will be to see my five favorite guys with my own two eyes. I pick up the box that the tickets were in and realized there was two other tickets in the box. I was kind of skeptical why there were three tickets in all instead of two.
So I walk downstairs and “Hey, Dad?” I asked.
“Why is there three tickets?”
“Well one for you and an adult, and a friend.”
I freak out and then I get confused and think…Who Am I Going To Bring?

Monday, September 24, 2012


Katima doesn't seem to know whats considerable in life. But as time goes on she finally apprehends the three things that are most crucial in her life. Love, Family, and Friendship

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Fear

Authors Note: I choose to write about a fact, because it seemed to me that it would be easier to explain something that really did happen. And there was a lot information to add in to something that did happen.

Snapping turtles terrorize me, ever since a little girl. I went to a family group campsite, there was lake there and we used go in it several times a day. But one day was different I felt as if I was being watched. “Stone cold eyes must be watching me somewhere” I’d thought to myself. Suddenly, I saw an odd chartreuse colored something. It appeared to be a rock..but it was moving. All of the sudden I felt myself begin to panic, I swam as fast as I could because I didn’t whatever it was to catch me. Unfortunately it did, this thing had sunk its teeth into me it felt like glass shards were stuck in my skin. I realized it was a snapping turtle. I kicked and shouted until my father grabbed and pulled me into the boat. Ever since then I’ve been terrified of them. And that’s all I remembered from that frightening day. The rest is dim, which is good. Who would want to remember something like that.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What Shoud've Happened

 Author's Note:
We wrote as a group on the topic what should've happened. I wrote a poem about one my old friends, I wrote this because it was hard for me to find a friend like him
What should’ve happened
I don’t know
All I know is you should be with me
No one else
But unfortunately
You think differently
Your with her now
I’m alone
Your happy
I’m not
You’re there
I am here
Were apart
But its not like you care
You never did
You never will
What should’ve happened
Is you should be with me

Thursday, May 10, 2012


You’re the one I can’t live without
you’re the reason I get up in the morning
But do you ever stop and think about how your actions are affecting me
No, you don’t
I see you with other girls
That makes me upset
You don’t care about my feeling
But the thing that bothers me the most is that it is as if
You want me to be mad at you
Like you don’t care what I think
You’re breaking me
And there's nobody here to pick up the pieces
You're the one I can’t live without
You love me
But now I don’t love you

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Something Worth Fighting For

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay because I read Twilight and New Moon; I loved them both. So, I decided I would read Eclipse. I wrote about how I liked the climax, how I can apply Bella’s life choices into my own, and how I can make connections to different literature which are only a small portion of reasons why Eclipse is such a gripping, and immensely great book.

“Edward kissed me again in the parking lot, this kiss frightened me, there was too much tension, and too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed to mine like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us.” This quote from the book Eclipse, which is written by Stephanie Meyers, relates when Edward and Jacob are arguing about who gets Bella. There are many arguments that occur in this book besides this one. This book also has other factors that in my opinion make this book interesting.. The three factors that contribute to this book being so fantastic are the fact that the climax makes you really want to sink your teeth into the book, how it really makes you think about possible life choices, and the fact that I can connect it to through other pieces of literature.

First off, the creative climax catches your attention in the middle of the story when you read about how Victoria, Bella's enemy, is gathering together a group of elite newborn vampires that come to avenge her dead boyfriend, James. This clan began because Victoria wants to kill Bella so Edward can feel the pain of losing a beloved companion, like she did. So, she goes to a city to assemble a cult of newborn vampires which starts with Riley Beers, a misunderstood mature man. While they go around recruiting newcomers to the group their relationship kindles. Though Riley doesn’t realize that Victoria is just using him to provoke Edward so he is distracted, during this Bella is vulnerable and Victoria can have an easier kill. This is obviously the most climatic part because it leaves in wonder and shock as if you were a character in the story. To me a gripping book with a cliffhanger, is one worth reading.

However, the climax isn’t the only thing that makes Eclipse a fantastic book, it also makes you think about ways you can apply Bella’s life choices into your own. An example would be when Bella has to push away Jacob for Edward, and a way you can intertwine this into your life is by saying that you have to make a lot of sacrifices for the ones you love. Another lesson would be when Bella had to make the decision to either marry Edward and become a vampire, or choosing Jacob and stay human. Having to pick between Jacob and Edward can relate to your life by how you’re going to have to make changes to yourself to make other people happy, but you should know if someone really loves you they’ll accept you just the way you are.

Lastly, although Eclipse is so different from other plays, books, and everything in between it still is easily connected to other literature, such as the stereotypical love story, Romeo and Juliet. There are many characteristics  that they both have in common including that Juliet and Bella are similar because they both stand on the border between maturity and immaturity; they’re both at an age where they don’t know what to think yet. An addition to the similarities of the two books, includes the fact that they’re popular considering that they are romantic novels. Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play’s most important theme. The play focuses on romance, specifically the intense passion that grows at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. The Twilight series is similar because the series is most popular among young adults; the four books have won several awards, most notably the 2008 British Book Award  for "Children's Book of the Year" for Breaking Dawn while the series as a whole won the 2009 Kids Choice Award for most favorable book series. In other words it’s a very popular series just as Romeo and Juliet is.

The creative climax, applications to life choices, and being able to easily make connections to a variety of literature is the very minimum of components that contribute into why Eclipse is such an amazing book. But if someone were to ask me “what is your favorite things about Eclipse” I could go on forever. All together this book truly makes you have a better understanding of what love is because this book really just opens your heart to love. This was my favorite book out of the series because it had many moments in the book when I truly understood how Bella was feeling. Maybe in the future I can apply my  feelings about love to action.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Love Overcomes All

Author's Note: I wrote this essay about this Twilight because I like the way that Stephanie Meyers expresses her life and makes Bella the main character really come alive through the story. I wrote about the storyline,climax, and moral I think these are the factors of why Twilight is a great book.

“Oh my gosh I wish I had a vampire boyfriend”! The book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers is a teen romance about a human and vampire falling in love. This book will melt the heart of all of its readers. The author really makes you feel the connection between main characters Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Twilight really makes you realize how much love can impact your life. The book has superior storyline, satisfying climax, and excellent moral.  

First off, the book starts out describing Bella Swan, the main character’s, life, saying how her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom but her mom is making her go live with her father. During living with her father, she meets Edward Cullen, a pale and handsome boy, and she likes him a lot. Later she discovers “odd cases of at least 7 bodies killed and each body with all the blood drained out”.  She finally comes to the realization that Edward is a vampire and there is not just one there many spread out in the world. Over time she discovers that she is being hunted by James a tracker vampire, while Edward’s family is trying to protect her and keep her out of harm. She learns she is going to have to make difficult choices and accept their consequences

Furthermore, personally I believe that the climax began when Edward was telling Bella to say what he was, a vampire. I think this way because it was really intense. Edward had a feeling that Bella thought he was this monster but she didn’t, and everything after that moment was really important and thought provoking. Every part was really meaningful to the story. While a lot of people thought the story got interesting when James was tracking her down, but it wasn’t really to me because it didn’t have as much feeling or emotion in the part. I also thought the climax started when she first saw Edward. The reason being because it must be crazy having love at first sight.

Finally, I think the reason Stephanie Meyers wrote this book this way and what I mean in this way I mean the moral because she is trying to get across that no matter how different people are, everyone deserves love. The reason I feel that way about this book is because Edward was so different from everyone else and he didn’t think that anyone would ever love him. But Bella proved that wrong by telling him he was worthy of love. So I am a strong believer that there is a person for everyone. So the moral of this book really makes me believe more that there is a special for everyone.

The superior storyline, satisfying climax, and the excellent moral really make you appreciate Stephanie Meyer’s for writing such a great romance novel. While reading the book I really did feel the connection between Edward and Bella and my heart really did melt. Over all I loved this book it was a page turner and good feeling book. It always kept me on the edge of my seat. And I finally do realize the impact love can have on someone’s life.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A voice to remember

                                                                 A Voice To Remember      
Authors Note: This a object monologue about a play script and is getting fed up with the way she has been treated
  Come On put me down you obviously can't sing so whats the point of even trying. Hi, I'm a play script I get handed off year after year to some self conceited girl who seems to think that she actually could get the lead. And geez another year of this I don't think I can take it. Oh no she is handing me to...... a boy? Who new that boys like theater.Oh my gosh he just started singing and he is the reason I love this job. I love those kids who actually have some talent. Yay, he got part, finally someone actually deserves it!

It All Started With a Dodge Ball

Author Note: This book about a teenager who gets hit in the face with a dodge ball and goes on to watch her flash her life from heaven.
Immediately, an orange jolt of color came and smacked me in the face and I felt an urge that something amazing is going to happen and change my life forever. In gym class, Tessa is struck in the face with a dodge ball causing her to see dramatic colors before she loses consciousness. The novel, Heaven Looks A Lot Like the Mall, by Wendy Mass, will make readers understand how the author is making Tessa, the main character, really reach to their emotion's throughout this story. The book has a interesting plot line, the author has a great plot line, very good creativity, and resemblance to other stories; it really makes you appreciate the author's dedication to her writing.

First off, this teen friendly book, Heaven Looks A Lot like the Mall, starts with explaining Tessa's college application process.  It wouldn't be so bad until she determines it involves writing a summary of who she believes she is. As she tried to gather her thoughts and compose a paragraph, she comes to the realization that she has no idea who she is. When fate takes control of her life, Tessa has no choice but to figure it out.

To follow this previous point, during the climax of the book, Tessa has just been hit in the face with a dodge ball in gym, making her neck bend in a way she didn't think was humanly possible. As she takes the impact of the hard floor on her head she can only think she must be going to heaven when really heaven is just the mall.  As she begins to feel like she's floating, she wonders why, "Out of all the weirdo's in my school, I’m the one who is the dodge ball target." The author does a really good job of making you feel Tessa's emotions throughout the book.

Finally, this book is much like other familiar story's like a "A Christmas Carol" and "A Wonderful Life". What these books all have in common is that the plot is based on each of the main characters trying to discover their reasons for existence and they provide a glimpse of different alternatives to their lives. So similar to those stories, she watches life unfold before her eyes, she see things that she wishes she could erase from her mind, and she discovers things she would rather not know about herself. She must find the answer to the burning question, even though it's difficult she must remain eager and determined similar to how the other main characters in the other stories. 
The interesting plot line, very good creativity, and resemblance to other stories; really makes you understand the dedication of the author. In the book Tessa realizes that something did come out of being hit in the face with a dodge ball. It really did change her life in quick time. The book truly has a fantastic plot line written by a very creative author. Overall I found the book interesting and intriguing. It always kept me wanting to read more. I would recommend this book as suitable for my age group. I will certainly appreciate every moment of my life.

Orange Colored Sky

I was walking along, minding my business,
When out of the orange colored sky,
Flash, bam, alacazam, Wonderful you came by.
I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine,
When out of that orange colored view
Wham, bam, alacazam, I got a look at you.
One look and I yelled timber
Watch out for flying glass.
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out
I went into a spin and I started to shout
I've been hit, This is it, this is it, this is it.
I was walking along minding my business
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Out of the orange colored sky
Well, one look and I yelled timber
Watch out for flying glass.
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out
I went into a spin and I started to shout
I've been hit, This is it, this is it, this is it.
I was walking along minding my business
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Out of the orange colored, purple stripes,
Pretty green polka-dot sky
Flash, bam, alacazam,
Went the sky
Last Weekend I sang this song called "Orange Colored Sky" and I made it out to be about a girl who was walking down the street and she saw something amazing. Suddenly, her life began to change. Her Life Changed time and time again. Until she realized that this was her life now and she was gonna used to it. And she accepts it now and she looked up and realized all this time there was this magnificent orange colored sky making this change even better. 

A Choice I'm Willing To Make

A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.
Joyce A. Meyer
Before I wrote this I went on Google and I sat motionless wondering what I should type in and all the sudden it hit me, Famous Quotes. And I looked on the list of websites suggestions and I picked one called Brainy Quotes. Then I saw the options of what kind of quote I wanted. I went from Change, to Dream, to Imagination, to Peace. Then I finally clicked on Inspirational. The first one I saw was wrote Joyce A. Meyer. The quote was "A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere". Then I thought about ways that I could apply the quote to my life. I knew that I could put it in use with my school work. That if I do well school I can go and do whatever I want to do. I know what my dad would always say "Do well in school so you can have unlimited options instead of having limited options. I want have unlimited options so whatever I decide to do with my life there will be no hesitation for colleges to reject me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Secret Voice

Authors Note:This a monologue is about a girl that wrote in her diary about her best friend Is avoiding her and being mean and she is very sad and  she doesn't know what to do. These are her words

The crowd was being really mean to me. Even Frankie. And I thought her
Was my best friend. Every time I went up to them in the playground they ran
Away from me screaming ‘She’s coming. Quick. Run.’ Frankie running
Away was the worst thing ever. I didn’t know what to do. Whether to follow
Them or what. So I ran after them to ask if I could play. Then they ran off
again. Amy said, ‘Go away,’ really fiercely. ‘We want to be on our own,’
she said pulling this horrid face. ‘We’re talking privately,’ Amy shouted at
me. They were telling secrets and I wasn’t supposed to listen. I went and sat
on the bench. I thought I was going to cry, and I did. I thought that if I did a
teacher would come and ask why. But no I didn't get to tell her the group was avoiding me
SO WHAT! She would have made me go and play with someone I didn’t like. And Amy
And Frankie would get into trouble.(sniffles) So when the teacher came over to me I
Pretended I was playing hide and seek with the group. Counting to 100. The hardest thing about being her dairy was watching her cry. And having her tears soaking within my pages. Although I'm an inanimate object and I don't have feelings, I know by the way that she holds I and they way expresses herself in her writing. I know, I know, I know you’re just a diary……. just a diary! But honestly, I think I know her better than Frankie, Amy,………Everyone.