Friday, May 18, 2012

A Fear

Authors Note: I choose to write about a fact, because it seemed to me that it would be easier to explain something that really did happen. And there was a lot information to add in to something that did happen.

Snapping turtles terrorize me, ever since a little girl. I went to a family group campsite, there was lake there and we used go in it several times a day. But one day was different I felt as if I was being watched. “Stone cold eyes must be watching me somewhere” I’d thought to myself. Suddenly, I saw an odd chartreuse colored something. It appeared to be a rock..but it was moving. All of the sudden I felt myself begin to panic, I swam as fast as I could because I didn’t whatever it was to catch me. Unfortunately it did, this thing had sunk its teeth into me it felt like glass shards were stuck in my skin. I realized it was a snapping turtle. I kicked and shouted until my father grabbed and pulled me into the boat. Ever since then I’ve been terrified of them. And that’s all I remembered from that frightening day. The rest is dim, which is good. Who would want to remember something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Court! The first sentence really grabs the reader! Although the ending was much liked as well! You could have made the bolded 'it' italicized-- that's what I would've done. I also would have added more "types" of sentences to contribute to the sentence fluency. I know you wrote this awhile ago, but maybe you could revise it? Either way, great job!
