Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Something Worth Fighting For

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay because I read Twilight and New Moon; I loved them both. So, I decided I would read Eclipse. I wrote about how I liked the climax, how I can apply Bella’s life choices into my own, and how I can make connections to different literature which are only a small portion of reasons why Eclipse is such a gripping, and immensely great book.

“Edward kissed me again in the parking lot, this kiss frightened me, there was too much tension, and too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed to mine like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us.” This quote from the book Eclipse, which is written by Stephanie Meyers, relates when Edward and Jacob are arguing about who gets Bella. There are many arguments that occur in this book besides this one. This book also has other factors that in my opinion make this book interesting.. The three factors that contribute to this book being so fantastic are the fact that the climax makes you really want to sink your teeth into the book, how it really makes you think about possible life choices, and the fact that I can connect it to through other pieces of literature.

First off, the creative climax catches your attention in the middle of the story when you read about how Victoria, Bella's enemy, is gathering together a group of elite newborn vampires that come to avenge her dead boyfriend, James. This clan began because Victoria wants to kill Bella so Edward can feel the pain of losing a beloved companion, like she did. So, she goes to a city to assemble a cult of newborn vampires which starts with Riley Beers, a misunderstood mature man. While they go around recruiting newcomers to the group their relationship kindles. Though Riley doesn’t realize that Victoria is just using him to provoke Edward so he is distracted, during this Bella is vulnerable and Victoria can have an easier kill. This is obviously the most climatic part because it leaves in wonder and shock as if you were a character in the story. To me a gripping book with a cliffhanger, is one worth reading.

However, the climax isn’t the only thing that makes Eclipse a fantastic book, it also makes you think about ways you can apply Bella’s life choices into your own. An example would be when Bella has to push away Jacob for Edward, and a way you can intertwine this into your life is by saying that you have to make a lot of sacrifices for the ones you love. Another lesson would be when Bella had to make the decision to either marry Edward and become a vampire, or choosing Jacob and stay human. Having to pick between Jacob and Edward can relate to your life by how you’re going to have to make changes to yourself to make other people happy, but you should know if someone really loves you they’ll accept you just the way you are.

Lastly, although Eclipse is so different from other plays, books, and everything in between it still is easily connected to other literature, such as the stereotypical love story, Romeo and Juliet. There are many characteristics  that they both have in common including that Juliet and Bella are similar because they both stand on the border between maturity and immaturity; they’re both at an age where they don’t know what to think yet. An addition to the similarities of the two books, includes the fact that they’re popular considering that they are romantic novels. Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play’s most important theme. The play focuses on romance, specifically the intense passion that grows at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. The Twilight series is similar because the series is most popular among young adults; the four books have won several awards, most notably the 2008 British Book Award  for "Children's Book of the Year" for Breaking Dawn while the series as a whole won the 2009 Kids Choice Award for most favorable book series. In other words it’s a very popular series just as Romeo and Juliet is.

The creative climax, applications to life choices, and being able to easily make connections to a variety of literature is the very minimum of components that contribute into why Eclipse is such an amazing book. But if someone were to ask me “what is your favorite things about Eclipse” I could go on forever. All together this book truly makes you have a better understanding of what love is because this book really just opens your heart to love. This was my favorite book out of the series because it had many moments in the book when I truly understood how Bella was feeling. Maybe in the future I can apply my  feelings about love to action.

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