Monday, March 5, 2012

Love Overcomes All

Author's Note: I wrote this essay about this Twilight because I like the way that Stephanie Meyers expresses her life and makes Bella the main character really come alive through the story. I wrote about the storyline,climax, and moral I think these are the factors of why Twilight is a great book.

“Oh my gosh I wish I had a vampire boyfriend”! The book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers is a teen romance about a human and vampire falling in love. This book will melt the heart of all of its readers. The author really makes you feel the connection between main characters Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Twilight really makes you realize how much love can impact your life. The book has superior storyline, satisfying climax, and excellent moral.  

First off, the book starts out describing Bella Swan, the main character’s, life, saying how her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom but her mom is making her go live with her father. During living with her father, she meets Edward Cullen, a pale and handsome boy, and she likes him a lot. Later she discovers “odd cases of at least 7 bodies killed and each body with all the blood drained out”.  She finally comes to the realization that Edward is a vampire and there is not just one there many spread out in the world. Over time she discovers that she is being hunted by James a tracker vampire, while Edward’s family is trying to protect her and keep her out of harm. She learns she is going to have to make difficult choices and accept their consequences

Furthermore, personally I believe that the climax began when Edward was telling Bella to say what he was, a vampire. I think this way because it was really intense. Edward had a feeling that Bella thought he was this monster but she didn’t, and everything after that moment was really important and thought provoking. Every part was really meaningful to the story. While a lot of people thought the story got interesting when James was tracking her down, but it wasn’t really to me because it didn’t have as much feeling or emotion in the part. I also thought the climax started when she first saw Edward. The reason being because it must be crazy having love at first sight.

Finally, I think the reason Stephanie Meyers wrote this book this way and what I mean in this way I mean the moral because she is trying to get across that no matter how different people are, everyone deserves love. The reason I feel that way about this book is because Edward was so different from everyone else and he didn’t think that anyone would ever love him. But Bella proved that wrong by telling him he was worthy of love. So I am a strong believer that there is a person for everyone. So the moral of this book really makes me believe more that there is a special for everyone.

The superior storyline, satisfying climax, and the excellent moral really make you appreciate Stephanie Meyer’s for writing such a great romance novel. While reading the book I really did feel the connection between Edward and Bella and my heart really did melt. Over all I loved this book it was a page turner and good feeling book. It always kept me on the edge of my seat. And I finally do realize the impact love can have on someone’s life.

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