Spring Assesment

A Book Worth Reading

Petals falling down while she walks briskly across the aisle, excitement grow within bodies of guests. You notice her mouth begins to move as a voice comes through in a hushed tone saying “I do”, their pastor exclaims “you may kiss your bride”. Slowly the roaring blares of hands clapping ignite from the audience. During this moment is when the bride locked eye to eye with grooms. Now tension in her voice, everyone is watching them as they speak, dead silence. It’s vague but it’s heard by many, you can just barely make out this word, vampire? This narrative introduction is based upon a book called Breaking Dawn; this book has several factors that in my opinion make this book interesting. The three factors that enrich the book are how it really makes you think about possible life choices, the fact that I can connect it to through other pieces of literature really makes you want to sink your teeth into, and the fantastic climax really make Breaking Dawn come together and  become an exceptional read  .

First off, the thought about adding her life choices into your own happen at the climax. Bella starts to feel regulated sharp unexpected pains in her stomach constantly, but she keeps it to herself. Hoping she can hide it from her husband Edward. And they both begin to realize that she is pregnant. I looked at this problem and applied it to my life by understanding keeping stuff from your husband never turns out well, at least in real life. Another life connection I made was when Jacob Bella’s best friend sends her a letter she laughed about it, as if she didn’t care what he had to say to her. The lesson I got out of that is karma works in strange ways. But overall this is just a minimum of morals I got out of this book.

Not only does the book make you think of your life choices it also relates well to other books. Breaking Dawn isn’t one of the most normal stories but it always seems to fall into the description of romance. It falls in this category because it’s one of those stories that are described as a mushy love story. It seems as though most books are written in that mode of literature. An example of what books is similar to it is surprisingly Hunger Games the both seem to be those stereotypical love stories. My reasoning behind it is both main characters of each book are in love with one girl. Like Katniss has Gale and Peeta competing for her love; Bella has Edward and Jacob. So in my opinion if Breaking Dawn can have similarities with a book like Hunger Games it is an easily relate book.

 Lastly, although there are hundreds of superb reasons why Breaking Dawn is a dainty daze dissertation but my esteemed part of the saga was the climax. My reasoning was because it was so gripping and detailed. Breaking Dawn’s acme inceptions when Bella and Edward had just gotten married, they go to an islet off the coast of Brazil. When they arrive the newlyweds start to commence their honeymoon. Unfortunately, Bella gets ill but hides it from Edward soon. She finds out later that she is pregnant; not just any other normal baby, it is a half human half vampire. This is the most climatic part for me because how would reciprocate if you had a demon infant growing in your stomach. In my outline a life threatening story that makes your heart seem as if it were beating out of your chest is something worth taking your time to read.

The life choices, connections to other literature, and fantastic climax are only three out of the many things that contribute to making Breaking Dawn a meaningful book worth you reading. If one were to ask me”what’s your favorite book out of the Twilight  series” I would reply Breaking Dawn because my opinion it was one of the best thought out book in the series. In the end this book was one of my most cherished stories because there’s really no beating a vampire love story with a twist in the conclusion. Finally Breaking dawn really came together to create an exceptional read.