Thursday, December 22, 2011

These are a Few of my Favorite Songs

Authors Note: I wrote this because we all love music so we decided that we would write about our favorite songs.

            I have to say that my favorite songs are “It will Rain” by Bruno Mars, “Ben” by Jackson Five, and “I Can See the Light” By Zachary Levi and Demi Moore. These are my favorite songs because they all have very meaningful back rounds. Like It will rain is based on the Twilight movie Breaking Dawn he wrote it because even though life is tough that Edward will always be there for Bella. Ben is about how even though his friend is different he is still the best friend he has ever had. And I can see the light is about how you seem different I now realize who you really are.

A train of Justin's

 Authors Note: Justin changed my life maybe he can change yours everyone is always saying how they hate Justin Bieber but honestly he is a really good singer one of the best 

One Time 
Bieber Fever
The Bieb’s
Justin Bieber
My World
My World 2.1
Never Say Never

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Don't Let Mean People Bring You Down

     Authors Note: Have you ever felt like someone strongly disliked you it might just be that you have something they don't. This story is called "All In A Summer's Day" by Ray Bradbury. And maybe you will understand if you read his short about life on Venus. That people will be mean but doesn't always mean they hate you.
Do you ever wonder what life might be like on another planet? Well Ray Bradbury wrote an entire short story about his outlook on how life how it would be on a different planet like Venus. And how people would respond to someone like Margot the main character on their planet because she constantly believes that the sun will come out eventually when everyone doesn’t.

In addition the story is basically about a girl named Margot who believes that the sun will come out because she is from Earth and all the kids from Venus have never seen the sun because it has been raining for seven years. So Margot is constantly saying” I think the sun is flower, that blooms for just one hour”. A poem she wrote about the sun. And saying that “it’s going to stop, it will, it will”.
Furthermore, she would always get teased because William is the bully of the story. But everybody goes along with what he is thinking because they’re scared that if they object against what he would say that he would pick on them. But the reason that William despises Margot is because she has seen the sun and he hasn’t. But when she goes missing everyone freaks out. They act out because Margot brings light to their dreary lives on Venus.

So reason why Ray Bradbury wrote that story is to prove that even if the setting isn’t right a story can still be a realistic fiction because they characters have real characteristics like jealousy and sadness. And they have real human qualitys and emotions. So the reason I wrote analytical report about this short story”All in a summer’s day” because I have had similar problems. So the next time someone treats you like how William treated Margot it might just be that you have something that they desire.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chirstmas Time Will Be Here

 Author's Note: I wrote these poems when it was early December and I was getting excited for Christmas. I always get excited early in Christmas Time. It's annoying.

Christmas party time is near
Presents, Presents, up to my knees
Kids are hollering and putting up trees
Holiday cheer is spreading
And family time is nearing

Christmas is fun
Christmas is family time
Christmas is presents
Christmas is hope Christmas time is here happiness and cheer

Christmas is happiness
Christmas is love
All these meanings of Christmas are the true meaning of Christmas its not just about presents its about the love of family

Christmas is about charity
Charity is hope
Hope gives lives
Lives give people the chance of living
Living is breathing
Breathing is living life to the fullest
And never letting a day go by without making good choices

Funny Quotes

Author's Note: These are my favorite quotes from sponge bob because I feel that Sponge Bob is a comedy wizard.
Patrick: well you have it set to M for Mini *turns it to W* where it should be W for Wumbo!
Spongebob: uh Patrick I don't think Wumbo is a real word
Patrick: yeah you know wumbo,he/she wumbo, wumbo,wumboing,wumbos,wumbology! the study of wumbo! its first grade spongebob!!
Mr Krabs:" I'm not Cheap"
Squidward: "you just tried to rip a guy's arm of for a penny"
“The Hash Slinging Slasher”
Spongebob: whats wrong Patrick”
Patrick: I can’t see my forehead
Patrick: Im going to tell you story its called the ugly barnacle, Once there was an ugly barnacle he was so ugly that everyone died.
This is basically a piece of writing about my favorite quotes in sponge bob. I like these quotes because there funny and entertaining and in every episode I hear these funny quotes and saying I literally fall off my chair laughing. So in conclusion I'm trying to say Sponge bob is the funniest show EVER!

Monday, December 12, 2011

My weekend

Authors Note: I wrote this about my weekend because my weekend was really weird and fun and it was really enjoyable. And it was really odd. 

My weekend was very fun. On Friday I cleaned out my locker and i got it looking really clean and organized. Then i went home watched T.V until I fell asleep. And then Saturday I went to the mall with my grandma Allison, Aunt Rachel, and my cousin Chloe. And I bought Christmas presents these two girls that there dad’s doesn’t have a job. I got them socks, a necklace that was only 50 cents but it said 8.50 but I got on sale so I got the deal of the day, stuffed dog,  lip gloss, and nail polish I really they enjoy what I got them. Also I saw two old friends. Then we had dinner at Cooper’s Hawk and I got three cups of chocolate milk. And then I had crembul’e. It was so good. Then we went to go see the play A Christmas Story. IT WAS THE WORST PLAY I'VE EVER SEEN IT WAS SOOOOOOO BAD. They were supposed to be professionals and made all the plays I've been in look professional it was so terrible.It was torture to watch so at intermission we went in the bathroom and laughed then we planned out how we were gonna get out. So my aunt told the director I’m sorry we have an issue its kind of an emergency. Then we left. That’s what I did over the weekend.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Authors Note: I wrote in my opinion why I think Twilight is amazing and who I think is better Jacob or Edward? And just for the record Edward is better then Jacob by far. Team EDWARD!!

Twilight, Twilight! That's all we ever talk about. But honestly I love talking about Twilight.  So all everyone everyone ever talks about is i’m team Jacob i’m team Edward. Well for me I have always been a believer in team Edward. He is sweet, caring, and thoughtful. He always puts Bella before himself. And he also says “no measure of time with you will ever be enough, but lets start with forever”. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Edward has always been with Bella and he would always do what he thought that was good for Bella. Even though he left her doesn’t mean he was never thinking about he always was. Edward would die for Bella. His passion of loving Bella is so pure. He is also the father of her child Renessme. As for Jacob he was always trying to split them apart. Bella was Edward’s first. And he imprinted on her daughter instead of her. And Jacob really loved Bella he would have imprinted on her. Take that Jacob So much for his love story. Team Edward!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Authors Note: The Lost Boy is a about a little boy he gets abused by his mother and discovers life isn't easy without the love of your mother. It is also about if aim high enough you can achieve whatever you want in life. “One could come from less than humble beginnings, to become a winner from within." Those are the words of the abused boy Dave Pelzer

The Lost Boy Analytical Report
 “All those years you tried your best to break me, and I'm still here. One day you'll see, I'm going to make something of myself." These are the words of Dave Pelzer. Dave was a simply man on the outside in the inside he has a dark and painful past. Dave was oppressed from his bruised childhood. He was battered every morning, afternoon, and night from the monster. And this “monster” wasn’t just any soul crushing beast, bitter, old drunk and whom Dave called his “Mother”. Though you might think that she would slap, no it was more than that it was stabbing, punching, etc.

          Pursuing this further, in the later chapter of his life (10-13) around that time frame, “She” gave her own son one of the decisions of his life. The first option was stay and get damaged and harmed and possibly dying or live on the streets and fend for your own. This was tough because although he hated being beaten he loved his mother and didn’t want to upset her he just wanted to be accepted. But he thought about the freedom he could have he could do whatever he wanted, go wherever, act that he wanted to act. Never the less one question ran through his mind “will she catch me and if so what would happen”

There was no doubt in his mind that his mother would come looking for him. But he took the chance he had been handed and ran for it. There was a look of disbelief on his face. He kept on repeating it over and over again in his head “what if she gets me”.  As he waited a moment to catch his breath he could hear his stomach growling. He hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday. He needed to eat something as he weighed his options he caught a whiff of the aroma of something delicious coming from a pizza parlor just up the street. He ran and he sat down and cook saw him saw the bruises up and down his arms. Immediately, he called the police and an officer took him to foster home.

To me this story is very sad story about a young boys struggle to survive. Dave Pelzer is a strong, confident man with his whole life ahead of him. He is extremely brave and courageous and the way that he respected his mother. Notice how respected is past tense because he learned that she did was completely wrong. One of the many triumphs he had to face in this book is the fire in the school and when his social security person took his mom to court. These were massively difficult for Dave to comprehend. Nobody denies him anymore he is accepted in the world as a man who faced the trial and won the battle. Now Dave is respected more than anyone will ever be. So I thank the ones who have gone through this but I have just thing to say to all of you. It will get better every step at a time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Am I Proud of My Country

Am I proud of my country? I need to reflect on the past and my experience with the country. Well, when I think of that question here is only one thing that comes to mind is something that needs to be ended. Like war, the definition war to me means: sadness and hatred towards one another sadness is something that happens during this fight for something that isn’t worth fighting for. I feel that when I remember hardships in U.S history it is hard to hold back tears from all the sorrow of innocent people dying for no good reason what so ever. 9/11 is one of the most awful experiences in history.

 It was hard for me to watch this tragedy unfold on this day of remembrance of those who saved so many lives and died doing it. There are those who believe in forgiving the people who caused that chaos. I feel like people like shouldn’t be forgiven for taking the lives of many innocent people. Yesterday, I watched Red Dawn a classic movie from the 80’s. This movie was set in the 1980’s in which the U.S was invaded by the Soviet Union.
 The story is about teenagers who try to make themselves known to the enemies that they weren’t just some dumb high school kids they meant business. However, the onset story was supposed to be World War III. This team of elite teenagers called themselves the Wolverines because of their school mascot.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how old you are you can always make a fight for what you believe and having courage and braveness. So if you ask me I will always say I am proud to be American. I don’t care how cheesy it sounds it is true to me America is a place for a new start. It is a clean slate no matter what your back round. It is a place for happiness. Even though we have gone through some hard to times we will always be a great country for all.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Authors Note: I wrote about natural disasters because I believe that natural disasters are not paid enough detention too and we should give the people that have experienced this a helping hand to rebuild there community and make it a stronger community to live in. And I believe that if we all work together we can make this world a better place to live. 

 In the 1960’s the most divesting earthquakes hit Valdivia, Chile. It was on the powerful earthquake ever recorded. Over 6,000 people were killed. 40% of the houses were raised from the ground. The earthquake measured at a 9.5, and 35 ft waves were recorded 6,000 miles away.

 But this one of the many terrible natural disasters ever recorded but there much more. Natural disasters are the effect of a natural hazard. An example of a natural disaster is a tornado, hurricane, earthquakes, or landslide. The effect of a natural disasters most likely cause financial burdens on the country and human population decreases.

Another natural disaster that was very eventful was hurricane Katrina. It left thousands of people homeless. This disaster destroyed many homes in New Orleans. Although this chaos happened 6 years ago it still affects people every day.
The winds gusted through the city going at the category of 3 ranges with a frequent intense gust of wind. The sudden experiences of wind happened throughout the city. Over 80% of New Orleans was flooded. This was a very depressing time but together we can make the world a better place.