Thursday, December 8, 2011


Authors Note: I wrote in my opinion why I think Twilight is amazing and who I think is better Jacob or Edward? And just for the record Edward is better then Jacob by far. Team EDWARD!!

Twilight, Twilight! That's all we ever talk about. But honestly I love talking about Twilight.  So all everyone everyone ever talks about is i’m team Jacob i’m team Edward. Well for me I have always been a believer in team Edward. He is sweet, caring, and thoughtful. He always puts Bella before himself. And he also says “no measure of time with you will ever be enough, but lets start with forever”. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Edward has always been with Bella and he would always do what he thought that was good for Bella. Even though he left her doesn’t mean he was never thinking about he always was. Edward would die for Bella. His passion of loving Bella is so pure. He is also the father of her child Renessme. As for Jacob he was always trying to split them apart. Bella was Edward’s first. And he imprinted on her daughter instead of her. And Jacob really loved Bella he would have imprinted on her. Take that Jacob So much for his love story. Team Edward!!

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