Friday, March 1, 2013

There's More That Meets the Eye: Point of View: Revised

Author's Note: This is my point of view piece that has been revised showing that I have a clear understanding of point of view. I also have a creative scene in the perspective of the mother.

I sit alone in the kitchen staring blankly at my coffee. I stir it around. I see her, she’s sad and disheveled. If only she didn’t resent me. Why can’t she see me as someone who could talk to her about her problems. I don’t understand what I did to make her shut me out, ignore me. I love her more than anything. I wish she could see that. In Fact of Life #31, the independent character of the mother, and the carefree esteem of the enemy, leaves Katima Flynn wondering how she’s supposed determine her point of view. From Katima’s viewpoint, conflicts are created by her mother being unfair and not as loving towards her and that’s creates the tension in their relationship. But if you were to look at from her mother’s perspective it would be completely different. In the book Fact of Life #31 it clearly shows how the story can be altered, if read in the aspect of others.

The first way that Katima’s point of view could influence the apprehension was when Libby started to become closer to her mother. If the story would’ve been told in the perspective of Libby, she probably didn't think she was causing problems despite the fact she was creating strain in Katima’s life because in chapter 13 Libby begins to realize all of the problems that she is causing Flynn household due to the fact that she has been spending time with Katima's mother. However since it’s being told in Katima’s point of view she is bitter and jealous about the situation; seeing her mother using her down time to hang out with Libby was effecting her opinion of her mother causing the tone of the story to be more frustrated. But throughout the entire book Katima had the same opinion about life: “Life is confusing, so don’t live your life trying figure it out. Just live”. This really proves that even though you might have a difficult time discovering the meaning of life you have to live your life everyday and enjoy it. It relates to point of view because Katima at the beginning of the book has a hard time understanding why things happen to her. And it affects the people around her.

Although the way the story is told is important, the readers interpretation is also very critical. Since the story is being told in the perspective of Katima her mother she sees her as this unreasonable and cold hearted person considering that during the climax of the story her mother told her that she was misbehaving which made her want to rebel against her mother even more. So me being the reader I would expect her mother to be mean and senseless . But if the story were to be told in the perspective of her mother, Katima would be looked at as a sensitive and immature teenager. For this reason you can clearly tell that the narrator of the story is Katima because you can tell by the tone of the writing that this is being told by the rebelling teenager instead of the worried mother.

The perspective is one of the many things that would be altered if the point of view were to be changed. Not only would the perspective change the interpretation would also change because if say the story Cinderella was told by the evil stepmother you would have a completely different opinion of Cinderella.That is why it so crucial to understand point of view so you will know who the story is being told by. So if you want enhance your reading experience and make yourself a more advanced reader then you can try to read in other characters perspective's.
Citation:“Life is confusing, so don’t live your life trying figure it out. Just live” Page # One found in the book Fact of Life Rule #31

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