Monday, March 25, 2013

By the way

Author’s Note: I’m not really sure what this relates to but I see this piece as a parody kind of like someone apologizing in a sarcastic way. Trying to make the reader realize the slight bitterness towards the apology.

wanted to apologize
If I caused any pain
truly sorry
Ruining any plans already made

allowing to be happy
Was incorrect, apparently
supposed to keep away from opportunities
Striving dreams was inefficient

accepting apologies is key
For internal prosperity
eventually amounting to something
Because patience pivotal

Monday, March 18, 2013

There's More Pain Beneath the Scars

Author’s Note: This is an expository essay on child abuse, I wanted to spread the awareness of child abuse. I want to show people that child abuse is a terrible and disgusting thing.

Every 1 in 5 children is either emotionally, physically, or sexually abused in our country. This is an estimation of about 3 million kids. There have been many cases of child abuse filed all throughout the United States. Many of those cases have resulted in the victim going to rehab or therapy because of all the stress put on them. Child abuse is truly a horrid and cowardly thing and all offenders should receive an ample extent of consequences for causing physical, emotional, and sexual distress on children and teens.

First off, if you suspect of any child being physically abused some things to notice,according to are unexplained bruises, welts, and cigarette burns around head, throat, upper arms, buttocks, thighs, lower back, palms, soles of feet, and abdominal area. While some behavioral signs you should be aware of are excessive fear of guardian and antisocial behavior such as running away or having fear of returning home. Imagine trying to live with these conditions! Unfortunately, many children have to go through the pain and suffering of child abuse. I can’t picture what kind of satisfaction the abuser would possibly get out of it. You’re hurting an innocent human being. With that said how severe would you make the punishment of the felon that committed child abuse? For all the stress and pain the child has to go through, I feel that the offender should receive the death penalty.

Along with physical abuse, the child has to go through pain and the memory, while with emotional abuse the child has to live with just the memory for the rest of their life, so it’s still severe but not as severe as physical abuse. Some physical signs of emotional abuse to take attention to are obesity or anorexia and speech disorders, while some behaviors to observe are cruel and age-inappropriate behaviors such as pleasure from hurting other children and adults, getting pleasure from being mistreated, and bed-wetting and wetting and soiling themselves. Now, when I say emotional abuse I bet you’re thinking it would be coming from an adult, but an example of emotional abuse that happens everywhere is bullying. Some children and teens that get bullied end up committing suicide because they feel like they have nowhere else to go with their life, but back to the more intense form of emotional abuse. To think that people are amused by causing children emotional distress is unthinkable. Sadly, it’s true, though. The question is, how severe would you make the punishment of the felon that committed emotional abuse? With all the insecurity the child could possibly result with, my verdict towards the offender would be life in prison with no chance of parole.

Although the past two forms of abuse were pretty intense, I feel that sexual abuse is the worst form of abuse ever because the offender doesn’t only cause pain and leave a scarring memory, but they also could get their victim pregnant or give them a sexually transmitted disease which, sadly, could potentially cause death. A few physical injuries to watch for are STDs, pregnancy, and bleeding and/or bruising. To follow that, some behavioral happenings to take caution of are if the child or teen is having difficulty walking or sitting; regressive behaviors such as thumb-sucking, bed wetting and fear of darkness, and disturbed sleep patterns such as, recurring nightmares. This is the kind of crime that we need to protect our children from, because what could happen, is devastating. My perspective on the consequences that the offender should result with is, once again, the death penalty, because of the life threatening conclusion that could possibly arise.

All offenders should receive an ample extent of consequences for causing physical, emotional, and sexual distress on children and teens because of how truly terrible child abuse is. To lower the amount of child abuse that goes on throughout our society, report any suspicious behavior to local authorities. If you would like to find out more about child abuser, then check local charities to help support the fight against child abuse. Now, the only question left to ask is, how severe of consequences would you make for an offender of child abuse.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Author's Note: This is my word choice and context/figurative language piece from the point of view of a wave of vibrato

I am vibrato on-going and passionate wave of strength
However I can be light and airy
Oppressing the rest, continuing on
I seem to be strong
Dependent on my emotion
Spreading a feeling
trying to impress
Striving for excellence nevertheless

But nothing can be perfect
Even the longest, purest note
It’s not about perfection
Its about the beauty of a mistake
Using your aberrations
Is what makes it beautiful
It’s your passion
To yearning for purity

There is lots of figurative language through out this piece like rhythm, rhyme, and metaphors. I use this kind of imagery and tone to show the emotion/mood of the piece. So the emotion I wanted to express throughout this piece was supposed have a very easy going flow; nonchalant tone. While I read this piece the mood that I discover in myself is honesty. I want to make the reader envision something like a straight line with wave at the end. The straight line represents the long beautiful beginning of the note and the wave at the end represents the slight mistakes which is supposed to make the reader think of life. Kind of how life is can be admirable and alluring but you'll always have a rough patch but those mistakes cause your life to be truly captivating. 

There's More That Meets the Eye: Point of View: Revised

Author's Note: This is my point of view piece that has been revised showing that I have a clear understanding of point of view. I also have a creative scene in the perspective of the mother.

I sit alone in the kitchen staring blankly at my coffee. I stir it around. I see her, she’s sad and disheveled. If only she didn’t resent me. Why can’t she see me as someone who could talk to her about her problems. I don’t understand what I did to make her shut me out, ignore me. I love her more than anything. I wish she could see that. In Fact of Life #31, the independent character of the mother, and the carefree esteem of the enemy, leaves Katima Flynn wondering how she’s supposed determine her point of view. From Katima’s viewpoint, conflicts are created by her mother being unfair and not as loving towards her and that’s creates the tension in their relationship. But if you were to look at from her mother’s perspective it would be completely different. In the book Fact of Life #31 it clearly shows how the story can be altered, if read in the aspect of others.

The first way that Katima’s point of view could influence the apprehension was when Libby started to become closer to her mother. If the story would’ve been told in the perspective of Libby, she probably didn't think she was causing problems despite the fact she was creating strain in Katima’s life because in chapter 13 Libby begins to realize all of the problems that she is causing Flynn household due to the fact that she has been spending time with Katima's mother. However since it’s being told in Katima’s point of view she is bitter and jealous about the situation; seeing her mother using her down time to hang out with Libby was effecting her opinion of her mother causing the tone of the story to be more frustrated. But throughout the entire book Katima had the same opinion about life: “Life is confusing, so don’t live your life trying figure it out. Just live”. This really proves that even though you might have a difficult time discovering the meaning of life you have to live your life everyday and enjoy it. It relates to point of view because Katima at the beginning of the book has a hard time understanding why things happen to her. And it affects the people around her.

Although the way the story is told is important, the readers interpretation is also very critical. Since the story is being told in the perspective of Katima her mother she sees her as this unreasonable and cold hearted person considering that during the climax of the story her mother told her that she was misbehaving which made her want to rebel against her mother even more. So me being the reader I would expect her mother to be mean and senseless . But if the story were to be told in the perspective of her mother, Katima would be looked at as a sensitive and immature teenager. For this reason you can clearly tell that the narrator of the story is Katima because you can tell by the tone of the writing that this is being told by the rebelling teenager instead of the worried mother.

The perspective is one of the many things that would be altered if the point of view were to be changed. Not only would the perspective change the interpretation would also change because if say the story Cinderella was told by the evil stepmother you would have a completely different opinion of Cinderella.That is why it so crucial to understand point of view so you will know who the story is being told by. So if you want enhance your reading experience and make yourself a more advanced reader then you can try to read in other characters perspective's.
Citation:“Life is confusing, so don’t live your life trying figure it out. Just live” Page # One found in the book Fact of Life Rule #31