Friday, May 18, 2012

A Fear

Authors Note: I choose to write about a fact, because it seemed to me that it would be easier to explain something that really did happen. And there was a lot information to add in to something that did happen.

Snapping turtles terrorize me, ever since a little girl. I went to a family group campsite, there was lake there and we used go in it several times a day. But one day was different I felt as if I was being watched. “Stone cold eyes must be watching me somewhere” I’d thought to myself. Suddenly, I saw an odd chartreuse colored something. It appeared to be a rock..but it was moving. All of the sudden I felt myself begin to panic, I swam as fast as I could because I didn’t whatever it was to catch me. Unfortunately it did, this thing had sunk its teeth into me it felt like glass shards were stuck in my skin. I realized it was a snapping turtle. I kicked and shouted until my father grabbed and pulled me into the boat. Ever since then I’ve been terrified of them. And that’s all I remembered from that frightening day. The rest is dim, which is good. Who would want to remember something like that.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What Shoud've Happened

 Author's Note:
We wrote as a group on the topic what should've happened. I wrote a poem about one my old friends, I wrote this because it was hard for me to find a friend like him
What should’ve happened
I don’t know
All I know is you should be with me
No one else
But unfortunately
You think differently
Your with her now
I’m alone
Your happy
I’m not
You’re there
I am here
Were apart
But its not like you care
You never did
You never will
What should’ve happened
Is you should be with me

Thursday, May 10, 2012


You’re the one I can’t live without
you’re the reason I get up in the morning
But do you ever stop and think about how your actions are affecting me
No, you don’t
I see you with other girls
That makes me upset
You don’t care about my feeling
But the thing that bothers me the most is that it is as if
You want me to be mad at you
Like you don’t care what I think
You’re breaking me
And there's nobody here to pick up the pieces
You're the one I can’t live without
You love me
But now I don’t love you