Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriots Pen Essay

Authors Note: This is my Patriots Pen Essay. About the bonds of our great nations

Dear Founding Father's,
What is the meaning of our nation? What bonds us together to make us whole and my experience with the country. Well, when I think of that question here is only one thing that comes to mind is something that needs to be ended. Like war, the definition war to me means: sadness and hatred towards one another sadness is something that happens during this fight for something that isn’t worth fighting for. I feel that when I remember hardships in U.S history it is hard to hold back tears from all the sorrow of innocent people dying for no good reason what so ever. For someone to sacrifice the own live for salvation of  our country. Is courage, bravery, and passion. 

 It was hard for me to watch this tragedy unfold on this day of remembrance of those who saved so many lives and died doing it. There are those who believe in forgiving the people who caused that chaos. I feel like people like shouldn’t be forgiven for taking the lives of many innocent people. Yesterday, I watched Red Dawn a classic movie from the 80’s. This movie was set in the 1980’s in which the U.S was invaded by the Soviet Union.
 The story is about teenagers who try to make themselves known to the enemies that they weren’t just some dumb high school kids they meant business. However, the onset story was supposed to be World War III. This team of elite teenagers called themselves the Wolverines because of their school mascot.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how old you are you can always make a fight for what you believe and having courage and braveness. So if you ask me I will always say I am proud to be American. I don’t care how cheesy it sounds it is true to me America is a place for a new start. It is a clean slate no matter what your back round. It is a place for happiness. Even though we have gone through some hard to times we will always be a great country for all.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Authors Note: This is a cause/effect piece about the book The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane demonstrating that I have a clear understanding of how cause/effect effects a story.

When Edward Tulane an expensive china doll bunny leaves his owner to set out to find to the meaning of love, he doesn’t realize how difficult the journey will be. The climax of the book is when he left his owner for distinct reasons, he didn’t think he belonged ; he wants to figure out what it feels like to be loved. Although, he cared for his owner Abilene, he always longed to be loved by someone. Being cuddled,kissed, and praised is all that poor Edward Tulane has ever wanted. And the effect of this is he goes on a journey to find what he portrays as love. He meets three people: an ill little girl, an old fisherman, and a toy store owner. The old fisherman makes him understand how being appreciated means but unfortunately he becomes separated from him. When he meets the ill little girl he finally finds falls in love with being this girl’s doll. But tragedy strikes and she dies from her severe sickness. And poor Edward is heartbroken, so the little girls brother takes him to the toy store owner. Where he sits in the store with his soul crushed. People came in and bought him but every time he was sold he was returned. But he didn’t care at all he missed the love from the girl. So the cause and effect in this story is he finds love in the little girl so the effect was he was never satisfied with his several owners. This story is very similar to the book "Matilda" by Roald Daul because in the story she never feels like she is loved by her parents similar to Edward but with his original owner. So in conclusion, there are many stories that have this similar plot line to this story.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Author's Note: This is my conflict/resolution piece

The story Rule of Life Rule #31 is about girl who is a junior in high school whose always been known as “that girl”.  And she is wanting to be unique individual like her mother but struggles coming out of her mother’s light.  The main conflict of the story is she just wants to be noticed not as “that girl”  but as Katima Fylyn the outgoing, sporty, and sweet girl. And she also wants to be recognized by her dream guy Manny.  But unfortunately she has to deal with mean girls like Libby Giles and her posse of copycat brats. The resolution for Katima was that she finally realizes that doesn’t need anyone but herself because she comprehends the fact she does not need to act a certain way to get attention.  In the Manny comes to the conclusion that Katima is who she is and nothing he can say will change her state of mind but he comes aware of that’s thing he loves most about her.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Author's  Note: This is my Narrative Essay about getting my One Direction tickets

Present after present,  nothing that I wanted. It seemed as if the more presents I opened the more pointless each gift got. Why does my family hate me? I thought to myself. Finally, I got to last gift and I had waited to open this one. It was the most simplistic present in the pile of gifts. I quickly grasped  it, then glanced at it for a moment. Then I started imagining what it could be; then I could hear my heart beginning to beat faster as if I had just finished sprinting the mile. Gradually began to rip the wrapping paper. Trying to be dainty in every tear I made. Suddenly, I lost my diligence. Quickly I started destroying the wrapping paper. At that time I opened the diminutive box; inside was an envelope.

I glided my finger through the small opening of the envelope. Something had fallen out card un-noticed, I read the card in languid manner.  Abruptly realizing not only was there a card, there was a single sheet of paper. I lifted it out of the box and read it. Immediately, I leapt of chair and hollered so boisterously I could hear ringing in my ears. It was the One Direction tickets I’ve been wanting for a year now! I was in complete and utter shock. After my outburst I galloped over to my Dad then gave him a bear hug. “THANK YOU!” I said to him.

Shortly after, everyone began to leave.  And as I said my last goodbye to my family. I bolted into the living room and managed to stack all of my birthday presents perfectly in my limp arms. I felt like one of those employees at a movie theater trying my absolute best to stack the candy in a pyramid. Running upstairs is really hard to do while carrying a ton of birthday gifts. But, I couldn’t help myself all I wanted to do was lay in bed and let my mind wander about what the concert will be like.

I can only imagine how insane it will be to see them in person. Then I grabbed a notebook and wrote down “June 21, 2012, I just turned fourteen three days ago and in this last hour my life has already gotten ten times better. Who would’ve thought that I would acquire One Direction tickets! Insanity” I closed the notebook. And l got hold of my pillow and screamed so loud into it I think China could hear me. So jazzed about hearing their goddess like voices in person. I wonder how I will react when I am there I thought. I’m guessing there will be tears.

As I lie in my bed, thinking how incredibly amazing it will be to see my five favorite guys with my own two eyes. I pick up the box that the tickets were in and realized there was two other tickets in the box. I was kind of skeptical why there were three tickets in all instead of two.
So I walk downstairs and “Hey, Dad?” I asked.
“Why is there three tickets?”
“Well one for you and an adult, and a friend.”
I freak out and then I get confused and think…Who Am I Going To Bring?